Tot Boy Falls Off A Stage In Slow Motion

6 years ago

Toddlers are such hilarious little beings, and they never fail in making us laugh out loud. The thing is that they can’t resist ending up in all kinds of funny situations! And the tot boy from this video is by no means an exception to this rule! If you are up for a good laugh, you have to check out his priceless adventures in slow motion! As the clip begins, you can see a cute tot boy running around a stage. Judging by a cute smile on his face you can tell that this tot boy really enjoys being in the spotlight! But wait, there’s a plot twist coming up. He runs towards the end on the stage and he does realize it! Oh, on! Watch where you’re going! This little boy got caught on camera falling off the stage! Who would have thought that his moment of glory would come to an end that quickly? LOL! Too funny to handle!

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