Tot Boy Gets Bucked Off Dog’s Back

6 years ago

You know what they say - a dog is a toddler’s best friend. Well, that’s not exactly the right version of the well-known expression, but it’s definitely the version that applies to this hilarious video. If you are in the mood for a good plot twist in a video, search no more! As the clip begins, you can see an adorable tot boy sitting on a dog's back. You can tell that this cute pup really loves his tot owner because he’s letting him sit on his back as if he were a horse. The little boy even makes horse sounds! LOL! And you can tell that the little boy is having a blast with his canine companion. But all of a sudden, something grabs the cute pup’s attention and hilarity ensues. Just wait until you see what happens! The dog stands up, and the little boy ends up bucked off the dogs back. Oops! Totally hilarious!

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