LIARS doing what LIARS do.

4 months ago

Don't worry, I won't get political on you. I equally have NO FAITH in any political party. But I do feel the need to talk about the likes of: The FALSE CLIMATE NARRATIVE; the coming CARBON TAXES; The SCAMDEMIC (COVID-LIES); The coming TOTALITARIAN STATE; SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES and other assorted 'things'. I've talked about these things for years and HAD, past tense, quite a few videos on YouTube concerning these same said things, but YouTube, so graciously DELETED them ALL because, well ~ They are controlled by many of these fascist, lefty elitists that I'm gonna talk about and
well, the truth scares em! Well, I should say, they're scared that YOU will hear the TRUTH, as opposed to the dribble, lies and crap that they and the likes of them shovel down your throat as the truth, when in reality it is VERY far from the truth.

They are LIARS doing what LIARS do ~

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