Jefferson Burglaries

4 months ago

Last week, we showed you video of burglars entering a vehicle in Crown Colony. This video, from a residence on Jefferson Avenue in Lufkin, shows the burglars entering other vehicles October 23.

Whether the two incidents are connected, or not, all the suspects need to be caught.

If you can identify any of the burglars, submit a tip anonymously through Crime Stoppers.

A cash reward is available for the first, most accurate, anonymous tip that assists law enforcement’s investigation.

To be reward eligible and remain anonymous, tips and calls must be made DIRECTLY to Crime Stoppers either through our website,, through our app (, and through calls to (936) 639-TIPS.

With Crime Stoppers, the entire process, from tip to reward, is handled without identifying the tipster.

No one will know you helped solve these crimes.

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