How to support your own ministry through business and how God redeems the Lost | Mark Howard | Ep 44

4 months ago

God rescued Mark Howard from his addictions and transformed him into an entrepreneur and missionary! On this episode of Kingdom Heirs Podcast we hear Mark’s testimony, learn how he supported his missionary efforts, and what it is like to run a pool cleaning business.

00:00 - Beginning
01:50 - How do you buy a pool route for your Pool Cleaning Business?
04:00 - Mark’s testimony
10:00 - How his Entrepreneurism began
19:00 - How real estate investments changed his life
27:00 - How Mark started being a missionary
30:00 - How important tent making or funding your own mission work is
41:00 - Secrets of the Pool industry
44:00 - How to share Jesus where ever you are at
49:00 - Why God needs to be the center of your business

Connect with Mark Howard here:

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The founder of Kingdom Heirs is an entrepreneur & commercial developer, who owns and operates multiple service based companies located in Texas. We create wealth through our businesses and use the profits to support local, national and international efforts to spread the Good News.
Kingdom Heirs is a podcast that highlights different business people around the country serving God in the Marketplace. KingdomHeirs encourages entrepreneurs to use the resources that they generate through business to benefit the community around them.

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