The REAL History of Nicaea You Never Knew

3 months ago

The REAL History of Nicaea You Never Knew.

In an era of doctrinal confusion and church scandals, many believers are questioning the very foundation of Christian faith. Can the Nicene Creed offer clarity and stability?

In this episode, we dive deep into the history and significance of the Nicene Creed, established at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., which has served as a cornerstone of Christian belief for centuries. We’ll unpack its core affirmations about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, exploring how it provides a resilient framework for faith amid modern challenges.

But why was the Council of Nicaea so pivotal? Is there biblical support for such councils, or do they risk adding human error to Scripture’s sufficiency? Together, we’ll examine biblical precedents, such as the early church gatherings in Acts 11 and 15, and look at how councils like Nicaea sought to safeguard Christian doctrine and address critical issues facing the church.

From Constantine’s political influence to Arius's divisive teachings, we’ll trace how the debates and decisions of the Nicene bishops shaped the bedrock of Christian orthodoxy. Join us as we explore the timeless relevance of the Nicene Creed, discovering how it can strengthen and steady us through personal and collective crises of faith.

✨Episode Sponsored by Logos Bible Software - The all new Logos is now easier to use and more accessible than ever with monthly plans starting at $9.99. Visit to get started for FREE with an exclusive extended free trial of up to 60-days!

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introduction & Sponsor Message – 00:00:00
Are Councils Biblical? – 00:02:00
History of Synods – 00:12:00
Setting the Stage for Nicaea: Diocletian's Reign – 00:14:00
Who Is Constantine? Early Life and Influence – 00:17:00
The Battle of Milvian Bridge – 00:20:00
313 AD: The Edict of Milan – 00:23:00
Arius’ Teachings Begin to Spread – 00:25:00
Constantine’s Role in the Council of Nicaea – 00:28:00
Arius at the Council: Confrontation and Defeat – 00:31:00
Formulating the Nicene Creed – 00:34:00
Arius’ Arguments and Methods – 00:40:00
Debate Over 'Homoousios' (Same Substance) – 00:47:00
Constantine’s Motivation and Role in the Council – 00:50:00
Aftermath of the Council of Nicaea – 00:53:00

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