Election Day: Fear, Division & Critical Thinking with @EsotericAtlanta | CatherineEdwards.life

1 month ago

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To Connect with @EsotericAtlanta

02:56 Election Day Tensions
03:38 Reflections on Past Elections
05:24 Current Political Climate
07:54 Spirituality and Dread
12:02 Managing Fear and Anxiety
25:47 Standing Up for Beliefs
30:52 The Power of Genuine Apologies
32:18 Facing the Dread of Apologizing
33:12 Courage and Wisdom in Adversity
34:14 The Illusion of Comfort
34:38 Learning from History
43:00 The Resilience of the Amish
47:24 Reflecting on Modern Lifestyle
52:48 Sharing Personal Stories

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✅ About Catherine Edwards.
Natural Solutions For An Ever-Changing World! Connecting the Dots!
My aim for this channel is to Raise Consciousness Through Curiosity - there are so many things that I love learning about and, more importantly, putting into practice! Knowledge without inspired action doesn't get us very far!

If we know the challenges that we or our animals are facing, then we know what SOLUTIONS we can use to prevent or mitigate these challenges!

This channel is about helping share knowledge, positivity, self-awareness, and inner work. Interviewing inspiring people who can share their knowledge and passions to make the world a better place for all creatures, great & small!
Thank you for your support - much love from me and all my four-legged family!

For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below:

📩 Email: catherineedwardslife17@gmail.com

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#thematrix #beliefsystems #election #criticalthinking #fear #division

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© Catherine Edwards

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