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How the UK is becoming a ‘third-world’ economy

3 months ago

The UK’s Catastrophic Economic Crisis, COLLAPSE Is Far Worse Than You Think
UK is going Bankrupt! The UK’s Catastrophic Economic Crisis Explained, How British Destroyed Britain
How the UK is becoming a ‘third-world’ economy


  • 0/2000
  • Britains destruction has been absolutely intentional, it's such a shit hole it's impossible to see it any other way , it's absolutely intentional.

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  • An economy or Country run on the Financial Service Industry alone is like a house built on sand, The FSI and it's offshore tax drains and pointless corrupt political class that work for the FSI globally are like a parasite tick imbedded into the back of it's host. There is No Way that this just happened , it was planned. The British people have been betrayed and lied to since WW1 and this is the end game for these maggots.

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