Scott Jennings Leaves CNN Panel Sulking…Breaking Out Puppets And Crayons Explaining Why Kamala SUCKS

4 months ago

Posted • November 5, 2024: For months now, the Left has been trying to convince us that there is a huge group of Republicans and Conservatives who secretly support Kamala Harris and will vote for her in this election. Apparently, since Liz Cheney and doof-nuts Adam Kinzinger sold their souls to the Democrat Machine they think this means others are as soulless, vapid, and desperate as they are. And they were and are wrong. Scott Jennings explained it far better to a panel on CNN. All Harris has done it babble endlessly about how awful Trump is, how awful his supporters are, and that Republicans will DESTROY DEMOCRACY, why the Hell would any Republican vote for that sort of insane nonsense. And sorry, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Rick Wilson don't count. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Scott Jennings Leaves CNN Panel Speechless Breaking Out Puppets and Crayons Explaining Why Kamala SUCKS

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