E Raymond Capt - The Lost Tribes of Israel

3 months ago

This is an old truth video, however I trust the information provided by these folks much more so than today's new corrupt MSM. Personally have learned not to judge books by their cover. Have to overlook the spinning ball earth in the opening and reference to the law of gravity which is a only a theory. Even these folks were accepting of that lie 50 years ago. None of us are perfect, and many presentations may contradict here and there, but the basic facts offered shine through. Baby and bath water thinking. It is a sign of intelligence to be able to consider opposing thoughts without bias or personal "beLIEf".
Many of us today can see "them" re-writing history as it is happening. Calling the truth mis-information and mis-information the truth as George Orwell wrote about. Connect The Dots Friends 😊
"My People Perish For Lack Of Knowledge" - knowledge is personal power friends. The Truth Will Set You Free...but First It Will Piss You Off!!!


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