Uncle: "Germany must flourish!" - Jews: "GERMANY MUST PERISH!"

2 months ago

Tribe people things...

Quotes from Theodore Kaufman's (in case you were wondering, yes. Of course..) hate-filled screed, 'GERMANY MUST PERISH!' (1941) - and Ilya Ehrenberg's (again: Of course..) demonically unhinged pamphlet 'KILL!' (1942).

(As you hear these racist, defamatory words - intended to malign a specific group of white Europeans [which mischaracterizations are only slightly more egregious examples of standard-fare propaganda levied against Germans before, during and after the war - and which helped incite the "forgotten genocide" of between 11 and 15 million ethnic German civilians between 1945 and 1949], remember that when it comes to tribe people: EVERY ACCUSATION IS A CONFESSION..)

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