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Army LtC. Theresa Long MD

3 months ago

Army LtC. Theresa Long MD presentation at the Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom conference on 10/26/24.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • For her valor alone I would have loved her ..., but I had another cauas well, .... she's the only one with enough brains and braun to be the greatest heroine I know of. Paraphrased from TheKing MustDie by Mary Renault, great book by the way. My cousin started going blind in '93, veteran of the first rounds of the Gulf War. Died slowly, blind til 2008, tumor on optic nerve. Wish I had been making him eat garlic everyday, .... anyway. It's been personal for some time. His father is a Colonel n the Marines. Two tours of Nam to gethere.