24 Hours to Election DAY! What You NEED to KNOW! | Ep316

4 months ago

It is the day before the 2024 election! Seth Keshel is with me today to discuss his 8 battleground states and give his final analysis for tomorrow. Seth has forecast models for every battleground state and even in his pessimistic models, things are looking good for Trump. Then, Robert Cahaly joins me to give up updates from the Trafalgar group. Both Seth and Robert give their take on the Ann Selzer poll that showed Harris 47% to Trump 44% in Iowa. Even with the poll spreading like wildfire over the weekend, Robert takes way more stock in Emerson which shows Trump 53% to Harris 43% in Iowa. Robert shares his latest data from the battleground states. Some data has shifted in both the Presidential and Senate races so make sure to watch till the end!

Seth Keshel
Captain K's Corner | Substack

Robert Cahaly
Chief Pollster | The Trafalgar Group
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