Look at you go now eh pavlovski yep, stellar creature culling CSIS CIA puppet yup!

4 months ago

wonder if your bunkchute raymond buddy wants to give me some more proof now too eh pavlovski? well hey it's like i explained below there! and for sure pavlovski i'll take all the proof you wish to give me further displaying how you help the government of canada cover up murder/abduction & secret government experiments, never mind HIGH TREASON & GLOBAL DEMOCIDE! people see what your doing creature right across the board so way to go for sure!

guess we shall see if you screw me on this one now too and we can try the other one again later when i get a new sim card seeing as you enjoy being a data chewing demon puppet!

Look at you go now eh pavlovski yep, stellar creature culling CSIS CIA puppet yup!

long time no see bunkchute raymond live monitors... did your creature culling satanic CIA CSIS masters give you the heads up on this one i wonder?

well let us see i suppose if you give me more proof like your rumble puppet buddy just did why not!

by all means give me a reason to add you on the thread too why not!

copy and past below from rejected upload attempt on rumble containing more evidence of the satanic CIA puppet jackmusk 2.o giving me the shaft!

Let's see how bad you lay the screws to me on this one rumble puppet... we all know how you roll you s0r0s/g8tes complicit in murder cover ups CSIS puppet skin yep! off to a great start i see no doubts yup!

guess your satanic creature culling @csiscanada @CIA masters put the call in already @chrispavlovski you stellar s0r0's/g8tes @rumblevideo puppet yep!🤨

5 minutes stalled out here now huh?🤔
thanx for more proof your a satanic demon puppet yep, new one coming up for you shortly dick yup!
ended up being 20 minutes stalled & who knows how much data later & i had to abort the upload... i must have been right over the target there you CSIS demons for sure i know!

all kinds of new videos too on my rumble channel for anyone that's real here, that's even allowed to see this! i haven't been wasting my time here since bunkchute raymond gave me the shaft months ago so! not like anyone's ever going to help us over here anyways i know the routine!

The Hope & Dream For Y'all Finally Destroyed By Six Nations With rumble Chooses Complicit!

satanic rogue O.P.P policy agent theft with wonder if the rumble puppet doubles down CSIS yep!

Sky Lady, The True Turtle Island, Ohio Ten Commandments Connections!

Hog Tying Your satan bitch commissioner for mother vs bothering me for Tait great!

Exhibit CSIS demons Boomerang Billion Plus Culled For TAIT & Crown Guy POZIOMKA Great!

773 Justice O.P.P Ya They Know Me, Vital Statistics Seeking Fellow Heathens Mash!

More CIA musk Puppet Complicit With Case For High Treason For TAIT at OPP Ya You Know Me #1

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