Today Is Election Day – Show Will Be Determinate on Conditions During Broadcast

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Today is election day I’ll be frank I am at a loss for words for what the results of today’s election could hold for us. In the results of this election there will be no middle ground. It will need to be very good for Americans and our nation or will be very bad for Americans, are nation and the world. I would be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to go out and vote today so that you could voice your concern through the ballot and to help this nation to choose the path of righteousness and reject lawlessness. So please, before you pursue any of your interest today, go out cast your ballot and let’s hope and pray that tomorrow will find us with a renewed freedom and that Yahweh will help us rid our land of the malignancy that has tried to take it over and kill it. Knowing that it’s election day and that we are voting against those who bring murder and mayhem throughout our nation and in fact the world, let’s take a gander at what we are voting against let’s take a look at it again and perhaps what could and will get worse if the tide of voting goes against us. Opposing the matrix goes live at noon Pacific time this Tuesday. We can be found on rumble and twitch at those times.

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