Tripping on Travel: Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, pt 3

3 months ago

Personally, I didn't find it difficult to get footage at the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, despite the other visitors I was committed to avoiding. In the case of the bald eagle and owl exhibit, other visitors were nearby and talking at the time, so I only took pictures of those beautiful birds. A compromise like this is well within reason.

Kirkwood Gardens is a part of the SLNSC but I couldn't tell you where to find it on the map they provide because I can't find it. After all, my daughter was actually my tour guide, while I trailed behind focused on opportunities to record video footage or take a picture. I urge you to follow the link in the description going to the Kirkwood Gardens web page for a better understanding of the history behind it. My video footage and pictures of it were limited by other people in the proximity of my cameras. Audio in the video footage was wrought with traffic noise from the nearby road so I replaced it with background music. Still, it's a remarkable, yet discreet, demonstration of nature's diverse beauty.

Dreamy Interlude by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


Squam Lake Natural Science Center

Kirkwood Gardens

Live Animal Exhibit Trail

Bald Eagles on Squam Lake

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