Help Whistleblowers Fight the Lies

4 months ago

Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research (Empower Oversight) represents many whistleblowers who get viciously attacked and defamed in retaliation for courageously reporting misconduct.

For example, Empower Oversight helped IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley and Special Agent Joseph Ziegler legally blow the whistle on kid-glove treatment of the President's son, Hunter Biden, in a tax investigation.

Biden Family lawyers quickly launched a well-funded campaign to smear these brave IRS whistleblowers, pushing the Biden Justice Department to prosecute them. Hunter Biden's attorneys have:

(1) falsely accused the whistleblowers of committing "a clear-cut crime";

(2) sued the IRS, falsely claiming that the whistleblowers released confidential tax information; and

(3) opposed, along with the IRS, Shapley's and Ziegler's right to join Biden's lawsuit against the IRS - which would enable them to defend themselves against the false smears spread by Biden's attorneys.

These intentionally false claims have damaged their reputations and ability to continue their stellar careers as IRS criminal investigators. The truth is that these IRS whistleblowers never publicly disclosed any confidential tax information that wasn't already made public by Congress, or by Hunter Biden himself.

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