Naomi Wolf about Bill Gates

3 months ago

"Bill Gates was one of the leaders, the lead figures behind this global rollout, country after country and who invested in these vaccines and who bribed the media in Britain. He bribed the BBC, the bribed The Guardian, he bribed NPR, he bribed every major legacy news outlet with millions of Dollars from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to "overcome vaccine hesitancy"."

"The Netherlands has a new government. They're a conservative government, but they are bringing him to trial. They've subpoenaed him for criminal activity in relation to pushing the COVID vaccine. And he's gonna be held accountable in Britain. That's just the beginning. As Dr. King says, the arc of justice bends slowly. I'm not getting the exact quote right, but basically justice takes a while, but you get there. The arc of the universe bends toward justice. It bends slowly, but it bends toward justice. That's it."

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