11/4/24 Day6: Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,SouthCarolina,SouthDakota,Tennessee.❤️

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At the Beginning of the Prayer Strike, we will strike 7 Arrows over each of the designated (7 States) which will be mentioned by Name as we Cry Out.
And on the last day — the 5th November, 2024 — we will strike 8 Arrows over the last 8 States!
A Few Scripture References as you Pray, releasing the Arrows of The LORD:
* I release the Arrow of The LORD’s Deliverance over The Nation (2 Kings 13:17).
* I release Your sharp Arrows into the heart of the King’s enemies (Psalm 45:5).
* Ordain and release Your Arrows against my persecutors (Psalm 7:13).
* Send out Your Arrows, and scatter the enemy (Psalm 18:14).
* Make my enemies turn their back with Your Arrows upon Your strings (Psalm 21:12).
* Shoot out Your Arrows, and destroy them (Psalm 144:6).
* Send Your Arrows abroad (Psalm 77:17).
* Send out Arrows of Light into the kingdom of darkness (Habakkuk 3:11).
* Heap mischief upon them, and spend Your Arrows upon them (Deuteronomy 32:23).
* Shoot Your Arrows upon them, and let them be wounded suddenly (Psalm 64:7).
* Let Your Arrow go forth as lightning against the enemy (Zechariah 9:14).
* Break their bones, and pierce them through with Your Arrows (Numbers 24:8).
* Set Your mark upon my enemies for Your Arrows (Lamentations 3:12).
* Make Your Arrows bright, and release Your vengeance upon my enemies (Jeremiah 51:11).

America’s Midnight Hour and Last Round
November 4, 2024 Veronika West

America’s Midnight Hour and Last Round — The Remnant Now Engages in the Fight for the Blessing and a New Name!
So, here is what I received this morning as we all came together to Strike the Arrows for the Nation and States of America.
During Prayer, in the last 10 minutes, it was quickened to me:
Genesis 32:28 (3+2=5) (2+8=10) … (5)(5/5:10) … (5)78(5) — Jacob wrestling with God!
“And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”“ Genesis 32:28
I saw the Nation of America, as Jacob wrestling with God!
Then saw us as The Remnant wrestling for The Blessing, The Destiny and The Birthright of The Nation!
It was at the midnight hour when God wrestled with Jacob.
This is also the hour when The Church attempts to sleep and slumber — yet God comes to His Church to awaken her from her deep sleep and Calls her to take her place and begin to War, Contend and Legislate for the Destiny and Birthright of Nations!
God is saying, ”It’s time to awake oh Jacob and engage in this fight for The Blessing, and a New Name.
For this is America’s last round, and The Birthright and The Destiny of this Nation, are now being violently contended for!”
What I find interesting about this Prophetic Analogy this morning, is that we often see ourselves fighting with and against Satan! But, I believe this Warring, Wrestling and Contending is more about The Church Wrestling with God — than the devil in this hour.
God is looking for a people who will not let go “until”!
God is waiting to hear the sound of a Holy Desperation that will bring forth a manifestation of his glory in the earth realm. (See related Word: “Where’s The Sound of Holy Desperation?“)
God is dealing with the supplanter in the Church — the pride, the lust if the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the Celebrity Culture and the Idol Worship.
God is Wrestling with The Church in this hour. Transformation and Reformation of The Church are under way!
The Hip* of the Church is going to be broken! God is looking a broken and contrite people — a People who will Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!
I see a Radical Remnant rising up in the midst of this fight.
I see the Nation of America will walk with a limp — but will be blessed — and called by a New Name!
I hear these Words, ”The birthing of a New Kingdom Era is now at hand. No longer a Christian Nation — but a nation of kings and high priests consecrated to Christ and to the establishment His Kingdom Government in the earth realm.
No longer a Jacob Nation — but an Israel Nation who has wrestled with God — now blessed and called by a New Name!”
Note : Jacob spent the night alone on a riverside during his journey back to Canaan, where he is awoken and encounters an Angel of God who proceeds to wrestle with him until dawn.
In the end, Jacob is given the name Israel and blessed.
Jacob then names the place where they wrestled Penuel — (פְּנוּאֵל : “face of God” or “facing God”!
America, I hear the Spirit say, ”This is the midnight hour when you will come face to face to wrestle for The Blessing and a New Name!”
*“Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. ” Genesis 32:25.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Prayer for America and God’s Will and God’s Mercy
November 4, 2024 Veronika West
Prophetic Ramblings
As I was praying, The Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart and saying to me, “Daughter, many missed My coming then — as many have missed My coming now.
How long must I be with them, before they recognise My Ways and yield to My Will?”
As I heard The LORD whisper these things to my heart, I wept, for I could feel His Pain, His great Compassion, and the longing of His own heart for a people who would truly come to know and trust His Will.
It made me think. There has been great resistance and rejection to God’s Will, and a struggle to understand His mysterious Ways throughout history — and even more so now in modern times.
Ha! Just as the Jews who missed recognising the Messiah when He came as a humble babe in a manger, because they expected something else, so many in the modern American Church have also failed to recognize the Divine Intervention of God through a chosen leader like President Trump.
This serves as a cautionary Prophetic Analogy of the dangers of relying too heavily on our own limited understanding.
Religious Pride and Prejudice has meant more delays, and most importantly, it has risked missing out on God’s Divine Plan for a mighty Deliverance and a Great Reward!
It is vital for us to remember that trusting in our own wisdom can lead us down a deadly and destructive path.
We must choose to yield and humble ourselves — and seek God’s Will above all else!
Let us Pray and Cry Out for God’s Mercy on the Nation of The United States of America, despite the blindness and foolishness of The Church, so that we may truly be aligned ourselves with His Divine Purpose and God-given Destiny!
Let us ask for Forgiveness for leaning on our own understanding, for being a people who are stiff-necked and stubborn, insisting on doing things our own way!
We cry, “Father! Forgive us for not Trusting in Your Will and being discerning of Your Ways — because we do not know You, nor have we truly sought to get to know You.
Help our unbelief! Forgive us of our double-mindedness and pride. Help us — and Have Mercy on us!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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