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Rabbit Hole Theories & Political Mumbo Jumbo


  • 0/2000
  • Great video. Eggs are "god's" perfect storage unit and I don't believe in the "god" everyone else does. But that's a different story. I just use the word for easy understanding. It's how I describe the unconditional energy I encountered. The Hen doesn't lay a dozen eggs in one day and start to sit on them. She lays an egg every day or two until she has enough to "sit on". Her eggs could be two weeks old when she starts sitting and the first egg laid has to be as viable as the last. Every day she will "turn" the eggs that she has prepared until she has enough. That's why I turn my fresh unrefrigerated eggs every day. (when I have them) In case I have to hatch a batch in the incubator. And then I turn them twice a day in the incubator. It's a commitment and I'm thankful I have a couple of Broody Hens now. Fridges kill eggs. I believe this "turning" of the eggs lets the egg know it's cared for and has a reason to stay alive. I'm funny that way but unturned eggs have a very low hatch rate and don't ask me how I know. They don't stay alive forever but it sure helps. Anyway, eggs keep good for weeks and weeks at room temperature. I make sure to turn mine. I have the right "lime" for Water Glassing eggs too but haven't tried it yet. Eggs stay good for a year or more stored that way. Still, break them into a separate bowl before using. It could have been a "bad egg" when stored. That's my egg story and I'm sticking to it. That military thing is totally offence and a crime, IMHO. And yet there it is. I swear, everything, and I mean the "insurmountable filth and corruption", is slowing being revealed. I don't think we could handle "it" all at once. Not most of us anyway. Yet there it is. I believe that we have most of our history erased every 12,000 yrs or so and we're due for another. The east side of the Rocky Mountains are sure looking good. High up too. Next time!

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