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Purification and Ascension in the Beyond... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 29
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THE THIRD TESTAMENT, Revelations of Jesus Christ
Chapter 29 – Purification and Ascension in the Beyond
Remorse, Repentance, and Self-Accusations
Thus saith the Lord:
1. I do not wish for your spirit to stain itself, nor that you die to the true life. That is why I visit My justice upon you when I find you indulging in harmful delights and pleasures. Your spirit must arrive to My bosom pure and unstained, the way it was when it had left.
2. All who shed their body in the bowels of the earth and leave behind this world in a state of confusion, upon beholding My presence revealing itself in the light of eternity and illuminating the spirits, awaken from their profound sleep, weeping and with desperate remorse. As the pain of the child freeing itself from its sorrows continues, the Father suffers as well. (228, 7 – 8)
3. Remorse and agony from a lack of wisdom, and suffering from lacking the spiritualization necessary to enjoy that life; these things and more are present in the expiation of the spirits that arrive at the threshold of the spiritual life stained or lacking preparation.
4. Understand that I cannot take sin, imperfections, or the perversity of man as offenses against the Father, for I know that the evil committed by men they have done to themselves? (36, 56)
5. How luminous would your lives be, and how great the advance of your sciences if you loved your neighbors and did the will of your Father, if you would sacrifice something of your free will and work in accord with the dictates of your conscience. Upon surpassing the limits of the material world, your science would touch upon the supernatural, for up until now it had not even approached those limits.
6. What consternation the spirit of the scientist feels when it abandons this world and comes face to face with the Divine truth. There he bows his head in shame, praying that his pride be forgiven! He believed he knew all and could do all, and denied the existence of anything beyond his knowledge or comprehension; however, upon finding himself before the Book of Life, before the infinite work of the Creator, he must recognize his wretchedness and cover himself in humility before Him who is absolute wisdom. (283, 48 – 49)
7. Fear not, thinking of all your earthly sins as you arrive in the spiritual valley. When you allow the pain to cleanse you, as repentance surges forth in your heart, as you struggle to make amends for your mistakes, you will arrive pure and worthy before My presence, and none, not even your conscience, shall dare to mention your past imperfections.
8. In the perfect mansion there exists for each and every spirit a place awaiting in time, or in eternity, the arrival of its owner. One by one, you shall come to My Kingdom upon the ladder of love, compassion, faith, and merit. (81,60- 61)
Compensating Justice
9. Only few disciples have I employed in this world, and even less of those who have been as an image of the Divine Master. In the spiritual realm I have many disciples, for that is where advancement within the study of My teachings is more abundant. That is where My little ones, those who thirst and hunger for love, receive from their Master what mankind denied them. That is where those who were ignored on earth, on account of their humility, shine because of their virtue, and where those who glistened with false enlightenment in this world weep in sadness and repentance.
10. In the hereafter is where I welcome you in a manner that you did not expect on earth, when you atone tearfully, yet blessing Me still. It does not matter that, along your journey, you had a moment of severe rebellion. I will take into account that you had experienced days of great distress, and that during those days you demonstrated resignation and you blessed My name. You too, in your smallness, have experienced quite a few Calvaries, though these were caused by your disobedience.
11. Behold, for a few moments of faithfulness and love for God, you attain times of life and grace in the beyond. In this way My eternal love responds to the temporary love of man. (22, 27 – 29)
12. Every good deed will have its reward, which will not be received on earth, but in the beyond. Yet how many of you would like to enjoy that glory here on earth, unaware that he who does not work towards his spiritual life will be without merit upon entering it, and his repentance will be great indeed. (1, 21)
13. He who goes about seeking the honors and praise of the world, shall have them here, but they will be of short duration and will serve him nothing the day of his entry into the spiritual world. He who seeks money shall have his reward here, for that was what He sought; but when the time comes to leave it all here, to face the beyond, he will have no right to claim compensation for his spirit, though he may believe he has done much for charity.
14. In contrast, he who has always renounced praise and favors, who has renounced all material rewards, having loved his fellow men unconditionally and with a pure heart, being busy sowing goodness and enjoying performing works of love; one such as this thinks not of rewards, for he does not live for his own satisfaction, but for that of his fellow men. How great will be his peace and happiness when he is in the bosom of his Lord! (253, 14)
15. During this time I come to bring you a teaching that is pure and perfect. Thus, I tell you that, at the end of your journey, only the true deeds of love you have done will be accepted, for these will demonstrate that you knew of the truth.
16. You might not be aware of the value of a good deed while doing it, yet think not that you will never come to understand the good you have done. I say to you that each one of your works will be rewarded.
17. You shall see once you are in the Spiritual Kingdom how many times a small act, appearing of little importance, has been the beginning of a chain of blessings, a chain that others went on to extend, yet always ending up to the satisfaction of him who initiated it. (292, 23 – 24)
18. I inspire you to earn merits, not for you to be moved by selfish interests in your own salvation, but for you to act thinking of your brothers, of the generations yet to come, whose jubilation will be great when they find the road prepared by those who came before. Then your bliss will be without limit, for the joy and peace of your brothers shall reach even you.
19. How different are the circumstances of those who seek only their own salvation and happiness, for they, upon arriving at the place they have prepared by their works, cannot have even a moment of peace or happiness, as they contemplate those they left behind, bearing the heavy burden of their suffering.
20. Truly, I tell you: The true disciples of this teaching practice deeds of love that are just and pure, as is their conscience, being My very own light. (290, 76 – 77)
21. Should you be humble, your spiritual wealth will grow in the life that awaits you. Then you shall have peace, granting you the most beautiful sensation of your existence, and within your spirit shall be born the desire to serve the Father as a faithful guardian of all I created, consolation for those who suffer, and peace for those who feel no tranquility. (260, 29)
The Ascension of Spirits to the Kingdom of God
22. This is the Third Era, in which your spirit, upon this earth already, may begin to dream of greater insight and higher dwelling places, for he who, upon departing this world, bearing within his spirit the knowledge of what he will find, and the development of his spiritual gifts, shall pass through many worlds without lingering within them, until he arrives at the place that has come to befit him by his merits, the realm he shall inhabit.
23. He shall be entirely aware of his spiritual state, he shall know how to carry out his mission, wherever he may find himself, he shall know the language of love, harmony, and justice, and he shall know how to communicate with the purity of the spiritual language, which is thought itself. For him there shall be no obstacles, no confusion and no mourning, and ever more he shall come to experience the immeasurable bliss of nearing the homesteads that belong to him, for he has earned them as an eternal inheritance. (294, 55)
24. Upon the Divine Ladder there is an infinite number of beings whose spiritual perfection allows them to occupy different rungs, according to the degree of development they have achieved. Your spirits were created with appropriate attributes to develop along this ladder of perfection, and to reach the goals designated by the Divine designs of the Creator.
25. You do not know the destiny of those spirits, but I tell you that it is perfect, just as everything else created by Me.
26. Still you do not understand the gifts the Father has granted you, but fear not, for later you will become aware of them, and you shall see them fully revealed.
27. The infinite number of spirits which, just like you, reside in many different dwellings, are united amongst themselves by a superior power, which is that of love. They were created for struggle, for their elevation, not for stagnation. Those who have obeyed My commandments have become great in Divine Love.
28. Nevertheless, I remind you, though your spirits may have achieved greatness, power, and wisdom, they will not come to be omnipotent, since their attributes are not infinite as they are in God. However, they will suffice to take you to the summit of your perfection along the straight path the love of your Creator had traced for you from the very beginning. (32, 34 – 37)
29. Seven developmental stages must your spirit traverse in order to reach its perfection. Today, while living on this earth, you do not know upon which rung of the ladder you find yourselves.
30. Though I know the answer to this question, I must refrain from revealing it to you now.
31. Each rung, each step, each mansion offers greater light and greater bliss to the spirit; however, supreme peace, and the perfect happiness of the spirit, are beyond the fleeting dwellings of the spirits.
32. How many times will you believe to feel the perfect happiness within the bosom of God, not realizing that this happiness is merely the promise of the next world, to which you will pass once this life has taken its course. (296, 49 – 50)
33. How many there are who dream of dying, in the hope that this moment will bring them before Me, to adore Me eternally in heaven, not realizing that the road ahead is infinitely longer than they could ever imagine. To ascend even a single rung upon the ladder leading to Me, it is necessary to have known how to lead a proper human life. Ignorance is what causes many to misconceive the essence of My teachings. (164, 30)
34. Because of man the forces of destruction have been unleashed, and war has sown its seed in every heart. Oh, how much pain humanity has experienced! How much desolation, misery, abandonment and mourning have men left in their wake! Do you believe that the spirits of those who had fallen in battle have perished? Or that that part of life, eternity inhabiting every man, has ceased to exist?
35. No, My people: The spirit survives war and death. That part of My own Spirit rises from the fields of pain, seeking a new horizon upon My road, to continue living, blossoming and developing. (262, 26 – 27)
36. I have given the earth to all of you, to share in it equally, to live in peace thereupon, and to make it a temporal home for yourselves, where you will develop your gifts and prepare your spirits to ascend to their new homestead.
37. I have said to you: “In the house of the Lord there are many mansions.” You will know them as you ascend on high. Each dwelling will bring you ever closer to Me, and you will reach them according to your works, for all is subject to a Divine order and justice.
38. None may impede your passing from one realm to the next, and at the end of each there will be jubilation and celebration in your spirit, and so too in Mine.
39. In this way I prepare you to know that the road you must travel is long indeed; do not remain content with your first works, believing they will open the gates to those mansions.
40. Yet I tell you this as well: It is beautiful and satisfying for a spirit to reach the end of a developmental stage, stopping to look back at the road already traveled, the great struggles, the days of bitterness, and the hours of peace after overcoming the numerous obstacles.
41. And, finally, the triumph, the reward and justice blazing all around you, the spirit of your Father, present and glorious, blessing His son and bringing him to rest in His bosom as he is being prepared for the next step, thus passing from one life to the other, until finally you arrive at the highest fulfillment: To reside eternally with Me. (315, 34 – 36)
42. The spiritual spark that makes man similar to his Creator shall come ever closer to the endless flame from which it sprang, and that spark shall be a luminous, conscious being, vibrant with love, full of wisdom and strength. That being shall delight in the state of perfection, where there exists no pain or even the most minute misery; naught but perfect and true happiness.
43. If this were not the destiny of your spirit, then truly, I tell you, I would never have made My Doctrine known to you through all these many teachings, for the law of the First Era would have sufficed for you to live in peace on earth.
44. And yet, should you meditate on the fact that I came to live among men and promised them an infinitely better world beyond this life, and if, in addition, you remember that I promised to return in another time to continue speaking, and to explain to you all that you did not understand, you will finally come to realize that the spiritual destination of men is much, much higher than anything you expected, and that the joy and bliss promised is infinitely greater than you could ever suspect or imagine.
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