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Israel Forever

4 months ago

Amos 9:13-15 Israel Forever!
Intro: The Book of Amos was likely written between 760 and 753 B.C.

Amos is a shepherd and a fruit picker from the Judean village of Tekoa when God calls him, even though he lacks an education or a priestly background. Amos' mission is directed to his neighbor to the north, Israel. His messages of impending doom and captivity for the nation by the Assyrians in 722 BC because of her sins. His prophecies are very unpopular and unheeded, however, because not since the days of Solomon have times been so good in Israel. Amos' ministry takes place while Jeroboam II reigns over Israel, and Uzziah reigns over Judah.

Amos can see that beneath Israel’s external prosperity and power, internally the nation is corrupt to the core. The sins for which Amos chastens the people are extensive: neglect of God’s Word, idolatry, pagan worship, greed, corrupted leadership, and oppression of the poor. Amos begins by pronouncing a judgment upon all the surrounding nations, then upon his own nation of Judah to the south, and finally the harshest judgment is given to Israel. His visions from God reveal the same emphatic message: judgment is near! But the book ends with God’s promise to Amos of future restoration of the remnant.
Israel indeed has a glorious future….and they will survived their problems then and they will today all because of God’s promises!

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