4 months ago

Lost Mozart’s Perfect Persian Masterpiece Song

Thoughts, vibes, good wishes, even prayers on this one please gang. Someone who I love has recently caught a severe, level ten case of TDS. As all TDS victims, her symptoms were clear early but we friends and family secretly hoped logic would cleanse her malady. As of yet it appears she remains in a perpetual relapsed state as if hooked on CNN/MSNBC and their narratives intravenously. That daily euphoric fix of propaganda truly has her hostage with no signs of letting go. As the CNN/MSNBC attacks on Trump grow more desperate and pathetic, her irrational responses correspond with equal intensity. At the moment her symptoms disallow her from remaining friends with, say an artist like me who wrote a song celebrating Jacob Chansley and the Jan 6th patriot political prisoners. I personally believe most Trump Derangement victims are going through a phase of shock and denial as it’s appearing even to the most close-minded they were tricked about Trump—and all that implies.

Unfortunately, in terminal cases, TDS victims define themselves and their entire personality, legacy, family name on the hatred of Trump. This new brooding, paranoid , humorLESS version becomes WHO THEY ARE, what they’re most proud of, despite any prior noble accolade they may have genuinely earned that most would find of much higher status to promote. Instead they exist in a perennial competition with an imaginary drill sergeant who hates Trump to levels they can’t seem to “achieve,” themselves, yet, but reenlist to strive again and again. Little Danny from “The Shining” and his talking index finger companion is the most accurate illustration of TDS. TDS victims feel terrifying emptiness when separated from their self-imposed identity as a “righteously angry, bitter Trump hater.” This fear causes the victim to hopelessly cling to anti-Trump propaganda, despite its clear contradictions, in fear they are stuck, with no way back home to sanity and familial restoration. But like alcoholism, the more obnoxious their TDS behavior, the more dreadful the pending hangover of humble pie they know awaits them. The denial and cognitive dissonance is all that’s left. I remain cautiously optimistic she, and all TDS victims’ minds bodies and souls will be healed either by white-knuckle-self inventory or miracle. To all TDS victims, there is hope. In fact, most of your loved ones eagerly want you back as a complete, free-thinking, sense-of-humor-having pleasant person again—perhaps just a slightly more humble version of what they knew and already loved.

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