How Germany could have won WW2

4 months ago

Alternative history thought experiment on how Germany could have realistically won WW2.

Mic: Rode NT
Software: DaVinci Resolve, Canva, Audacity

Had the German High Command made this move, they most likely would have avoided defeat and secured Germany’s position permanently. It is so glaringly obvious it’s surprising why it was not executed.
After the fall of France in June of 1940 Germany had more than enough armoured divisions to then strike at the British in Egypt instead of attacking Britain directly.
The British only had 1 armoured division and 36,000 men. The Germans could have used 10 of their 20 armoured divisions to easily overrun Egypt and capture the Suez, thus draining the Mediterranean of the Royal Navy and isolating India forcing the British to circumnavigate the southern Cape of Africa.
With North Africa secure, an allied invasion through southern Europe would have been thwarted.
Next the German panzers roll into the middle east where again the British have insufficient forces to stop them. They now threaten Russia’s southern flank and oil fields in the Caucasus. The Germans also have access to large amounts of oil and Turkey gives them transit rights.
The Soviet Union is in a precarious position and will go to great lengths to maintain peace with Berlin, the US is more concerned with Japan and Britain is no longer relevant, thus peace breaks out as all 3 allied powers are needed to defeat Germany

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