Time to take things in our own hands learn & do the right thing

4 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ )

I am a fermentation chemist. That’s why the four fields of medicine. I do fermentation chemistry. You don’t ferment everything all the time and feed it to everybody, that’s not how it works.
We’re leaning on our own understanding. And our own understanding, at least till now, is not built on truth. You have to dig through this. You have to trust those of us who’ve been - I’ve listened again to Martin Luther King: who’ve been to the mountain top and we’ve seen the valey of milk and honey.
In science, ask the right question. Are we going to take this into our own hands. Are we the people going to follow Jesus and do the right thing no matter the cost and learn.
I think Jesse that you are a hero because these shows are critically important, and you were one of the first to call. It has been a long three and a half year. We just need to wake up!

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 10/20/2024

Missing Link Live with Jesse Hal, Episode 900 with Judy Mikovits, PhD: https://rumble.com/v5jbnsp-int-900-with-dr-judy-mikovits-a-christian-researcher-scientist-and-truthsee.html

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