In New Hampshire Everything's Coming Up 'Lilys'

4 months ago

Posted • November 3, 2024: Down Ballot Deep Dive: Election day is on Tuesday and, as one would expect, national attention is hyper-focused on the presidential race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris but the balance of power in Congress is also at stake. Down Ballot Deep Dive will look at a few interesting House and Senate races nationwide that could affect that balance of power. Lily Tang Williams may be a long-shot to win her race for a House seat in New Hampshire. She is running an underfunded, grassroots campaign against well-funded, well-connected Washington insider Maggie Goodlander. Lily is not just running against her opponent, she is running against the Democrat establishment. Goodlander is best known publicly as the wife of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and is a poster child of the elitist establishment. Most recently the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division, she has previously worked for both Joe Lieberman and John McCain.

She also served as counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the first Trump impeachment. Could someone be more of a deep-state, uniparty statist than that? This is by all accounts a David vs Goliath match. In political terms, Goodlander with the entire Democrat machine on her side should be crushing Williams. But Lily hasn't backed down. She escaped communism and became an American citizen; in contrast to her privileged opponent, Lily is a poster child of the American dream. There is no way she is going to be intimidated by snobby, rich, liberals. If nothing else, she is spunky! She is trailing in the polls but she's not completely out of it yet. We do love an underdog. “I am Lily Tang Williams. I was born in China to illiterate working-class parents, suffered under Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Communist dictatorship. I wanted freedom. America was my promised land. I was 23 when I fled tyranny. Arriving with $100 in my pocket and knowing very little English.”

“I worked hard to make my American dream come true. Today I am happily married with three children, have my own businesses, and live in the Granite State where the spirit of liberty resides. My concern is that my children and grandchildren will not have the same opportunities I had. I see the shadow of authoritarianism cast by politicians who have locked us down, closed small businesses, inflated our money, and mortgaged our children’s future. I saw it all before in China: the division of society, silencing dissident voices, taking away parental rights, the indoctrination of youth, endless government mandates and control. People are losing their rights to make a living and make their own life choices. Are you worried yet? I am. I fear that the country I love is becoming like the country I left. That is why I am running for Congress. It is time for the majority to speak up and defend our country from the radical left and keep the American Dream alive for our children.”

“My name is Lily Tang Williams, an American citizen by choice running for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District. Please donate, volunteer, and vote for me. I will be honored to represent and serve the people of New Hampshire.” -- Democrats believe this seat belongs to them. Goodlander acts as if she is entitled to it. But Lily won't go away. She's still there, and she's still working. In a recent debate, which has been the most television coverage Lily has received, she took her opportunity and made the most of it. -- National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan's wife gets absolutely bodied after she accused Republican Lily Tang Williams of just wanting to help the rich. Maggie Goodlander: "My opponent believes we should give a break to the wealthiest." -- Lily Tang: "You are wealthy. You are worth $20M-$30M. How do you know about regular people's suffering?" -- "I don't have money to run a TV ad and you pretend you are poor and complain rent is so high?" - "Just go back to your $2M home." -- The incident came during a New Hampshire congressional debate.

'Go back to your two million dollar home.' BOOM! She took her shot and it landed. Goodlander tried to shake it off but the damage had been done. How much this debate will affect the polls or, more importantly, the election remains to be seen but Lily is a fighter and people are taking notice. Omg. Watch this candidate perform a live vivisection on Neocon chief Jake Sullivan’s wife. You absolutely have to watch Jake Sullivan’s wife get roasted in broken English, it will make your day. This is the kind of exposure a grassroots campaign needs. It can go a long way to help a candidate like Lily get her message out. She is everything good about America. Is it good enough to win on Tuesday? This race is the embodiment of the American dream vs the establishment Democratic machine. She's down In the polls but she has a puncher's chance and she's shown that she isn't afraid to swing. Lily Tang Williams is a fighter and she isn't going away. Maybe a chance is all she needs. We do love an underdog!

Rumble: You Absolutely Have To Watch Jake Sullivan's Wife Get Roasted In Broken English, It'll Make Your Day
Rumble: Jake Sullivan's Wife Gets Nuked When She Accused Lily Tang Williams Of Just Wanting To Help The Rich

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