General Flynn: Purest form of evil on earth in free nations - Tucker

4 months ago

This is the purest form of evil on earth you’ll ever see in a free society. When the very profession that is designed to protect, threatens itself.

Similar to the attack on churches and church leaders, Our constitutional order begins with the recognition that fundamental rights preexist
government. The Declaration of Independence acknowledges this truth in appealing to "Nature's God" and "self-evident" truths about inalienable rights. The Founders understood
that religious liberty holds a unique position as our "first freedom" - not merely because it appears first in the Bill of Rights, but because religious duty precedes civil society itself. James Madison articulated this principle clearly, arguing that religious obligations take
precedence over civil ones precisely because our duty to the Creator transcends temporal authority.

This moral obligation transcends into the legal profession where every American has a right to be represented by counsel just like every American has a right to practice their religion. When a pall of fear hovers over either of these moral obligations (law and religion), a free society lays at risk.

Yes, America is at a cross roads of history. When choosing liberty as well as legal representation is infringed upon under the guise of coercive tactics, the very nature of God’s laws are placed at grave risk.

VOTE your conscience this Tuesday and pray for divine intervention at the same time. After this Tuesday’s historically consequential election, America may never be the same.

May God Bless America once again and may the American people strongly wrap our arms around God almighty (He knows, like no other, we need His embrace). Soros funded and Marc Elias aligned group called The 65 Project is running ads in every swing state right now saying that if any attorney represents Donald Trump in regards to election integrity matters, they are going to make sure they get their law licenses taken away.

That is happening in the United States of America by the Democratic Party, who is telling you that Donald Trump is Hitler.

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