CTP 20241103 S2ENovVidExcl Vid Excl - Ongoing YouTube Copyright questions BTS

1 month ago

CTP S2ENovVideoOnlyExclusive 31m 35s...
CTP 20241103 S2ENovVideoExclusive episode: The ongoing YOUTUBE "Copyright" concerns/issues/questions... The, as far as I know, and IMO, mis-identification of some Music, and therefore upload to YT issues (but not always, only some times, which to me is TELLING, NOT cut/dry or it would FLAG/TAG it every time) and their demand that I allow "them" to alter my content... Other Copyright related items include, but not limited to (obviously, lots of Lawsuits over the ages about such "infringement" questions Courts then have to Rule on)… If you're a listener/viewer of Sean Hannity you know the Eric Church "Outsiders" tune as Hannity uses (I would "HOPE" with permission or officially) Licensed during his Broadcasts. Many Thanks to Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED) and "Shakey" of Savaged Unfiltered for creation of the "TerrorStrikes.info, 3 of my books, #PrinciplesNotPersonalities" background, and other related Savaged Unfiltered images) used often during his Show Records that I at time CoHost with him for that background image and Used With Permission. "Stomping Rock Four Shots" Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License (but, no, do not actually USE it, this time, in this Vid-Excl, to try avoid any INCORRECT YOUTUBE TRIGGER).

Episode related pieces...
- (original/1st discussion on topic) CTP 20241019 YouTube Video EXCLUSIVE about YT caused issue w/ my Show only at YT [UPDATE]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdQMG0glCTs
- https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/rybf19/other_songs_featuring_the_lyrics_players_gonna/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings (tribute)
- I discussed "It's A Wonderful Life" movie with Hodgepod: https://ivy.fm/podcast/hodgepod-with-rob-fredette-1149164?tag=joseph-m-lenard (well, actually, mention IAWL many times, many places/shows (including my own CTP Show) but that one is dedicated to just IAWL
- https://ivy.fm/tag/joseph-m-lenard

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
- DeepCast.fm episodes digests direct: deepcast.fm/podcast/christitutionalist-tm-politics
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- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: tinyurl.com/MonkeyCultCoffees (promocode: CTP10)
- CTP Official playlist: tinyurl.com/CTPMusicPlaylist
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard - linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us /\ TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
- other podcasts with Joseph M Lenard (partial listing): https://ivy.fm/tag/joseph-m-lenard
(CTP S2ENovVideoOnlyExclusive AudioEdit N/A VidExcl, Sun Nov 3 2024)
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from November 2) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
November 2 - S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
November 9 - S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST
November 16 - S2E74: [From NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no not LVE, in Theaters]
November 23 - S2E75: Abortion: The Profit Motive Side
November 30 - S2E76: Government Regulations and Automobiles
December 7 - S2E77: Fight... Flight... at least one other (Fade?) option
December 14 - S2E78: No you CAN NOT REST (part 2)

corresponding BeforeItsNews piece now out...
Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws... Issues... Questions... via my own Personal ongoing experience...
Sunday, November 3, 2024 13:42

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