BREAKING: Diddy’s Secret Tunnels, Hidden Bodies, & Hollywood Rituals – Trafficked Survivor Reveals!

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My comment page is no more report the censure ship+ Alex Jones as well why..Rumble..!
rumble-e please send me my check..thanks
Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—
Jamie Foxx FINALLY REVEALS Why Diddy Poisoned Him | He Called FBI
Make no mistake this election is America's last stand..for God country & children of the world !
Today's Show Trump Rally's-Word-Breaking News!
Diddy Did it high lights
Child & baby killer's hunt up dates !
We have one job save the kids !
Looking for Joshua 3.5 YEARS OLD WENT MISSING 13 Years ago no school records
but child services tried to extend my child support for years ! No help looking for the child but did a great job helping the baby mom hide the death of him !
Verse of the Day for Sunday, November 3, 2024

“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
Bible says-spiritually urges you to rid your mind of judgment.
Look for Angels via numbers like- #4950 biblical meaning warns you that judging others is not your role but that of the universe. There is a higher being with greater authority and power to judge.
Angel number Meaning of Number #7700 Symbolically

A humble spiritual heart is a servant of humanity. The task of preparing people for the epic journey to leave this earth falls on you. It may not be viable now, but gradual progress will be inevitable. As you slowly gain ground, they will start coming to you for your wisdom and teaching. So, continue serving humanity in the different capacities you can. Eventually, your reward will be more glorious.
RTG= Run To God tv/radio
We push the MSG Bible to Americans or English speaking people !
Best we seen yet !
Bible says do not use big words-or words of a language we do not speak!
We would never hand someone a bible in Chinese, if they did not speak it..the Kjv is not my language or anyone why do we use it?
Lets get this right guys..people are dying unsaved 10k at my left and right sides all day long!

MSG BIBLE the best bible for Americans let the truth be told spread it save your loved

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