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Project Terror Movie Intro San Antonio, TX

4 months ago

"Project Terror" was a hosted horror movie show with Joe Alston as "The Host" announcing (voice over) movies on KENS-TV, Channel 5 San Antonio, Texas - Friday from 1960 until 1965.
The original was produced by KENS Channel 5 in San Antonio and it was voiced by Joe Alston, aka the one and only Capt Gus. Dennis "First Mate Mortimer" DuPriest has a wonderful website with tons of information and fond remembrance of Joe Alston. Thanks for listening and I hope it takes you back to those great Friday nights in San Antonio, Texas, right after the CBS Late Movie on channel 5....before we had vcr's or dvr's....and you had to stay awake if you wanted to watch whatever scary movie was coming on!


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