Bike ride to Mississippi River Headwaters

1 month ago

A bike ride to the Mississippi River Headwaters from Douglas Lodge/Forest Inn area using the bike trail in Itasca State Park in Minnesota.
Chapter Time Stamps:
0:00 Bike ride to the Mississippi River Headwaters
7:42 Preacher's Grove
14:17 Peace Pipe Vista
15:26 Rest
17:19 Rest
24:50 Bear Paw Campground
26:09 Rest
29:50 Pine Ridge Campground
30:46 Main Park Drive stop sign
33:20 Swimming Beach and Day-use Area
36:07 Wegmann Cabin
37:32 Indian Mounds
39:24 Crossing the Bridge over the Mississippi River
40:08 Mary Gibbs Mississippi Headwaters Center
40:36 Mississippi River Headwaters

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