Today's Bible Verse 📖 👆😊

4 months ago

Key Scripture 👇

Matthew 6:34📖

Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY,

I love how in Italian language, they say; "Don't Worry - Non ti Preoccupare!"... if you were to change those words into English... not basic translation my mind, I would say, Don't be preoccupied..

How many times have we let worry creep into our lives which then gives birth to doubt and fear as if these negative energies will change anything in your life...they won't, it's the enemy filling your mind with all sorts of trash, telling you, you'll never win.😢😔

We have hope, We know WHO is on our side Forevermore 💪. HE does not fail 💪, HE will come through for us in due season, wait patiently in the meantime, please praise HIM in the hallways, byways, courtyards, compounds,... HE will surely come... #justbelieve

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