LOVE O' THE PUNK - Shelton Bradshaw live from Balboa Pier

1 month ago

Love O’ The Punk

When I quit drinking 8 years ago I decided to do something silly and start observing what’s actually going in the world. I was instantly shocked how news had changed. It was instantly clear a bunch of powerful monopolized media puppet masters were trying to sell me, ask me nicely, then ask me not-nicely, then pressure, then demand and eventually even threaten me if I didn’t jump on board with hating a man I barely knew a thing about, 2016 candidate Donald Trump.

As I awakened from my decade-and-a-half-drunk, the message of mainstream media to me was clear:

“Shelton, don’t think too hard but just know the right thing to do NOW is to hate Trump and express how much you hate him every chance you get. We need you to make hating Trump your new introduction, as natural as a handshake or fist pump. As a reward, you’ll ease through all social settings and never be an oddball. If you have something nice to say about Trump keep it to yourself Shelton, because everyone else is too scared to get out of line here. Not hoping on board with the obedient sheep here is a sign that you’re just as evil as Trump, and you will be punished and you deserve to be as an evil person…evil as Trump “— Sincerely, every face of corporate media.

“Love O’ The Punk” was and is my initial, visceral response then and now to that sinister top-down bullying we’ve endured all these years from a few bloated pedophiles. I sing it for Trump and you other natural rebels and freedom lovers who’ve boldly stared down these evil elite tyrants and will continue unto death—if that’s how it goes down. Trump haters get f*****. God eventually wins, truth eventually wins, we eventually win. Whether or not Trump, nor even I, live long enough to see the promise land is uncertain, and I’m still terrified he won’t make it. I wanted to give him mad respect while he’s still here, while I’m still here.

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