I'm SO Confused! What Are You Talking About?

2 months ago

Have you ever been confused by what the Bible means or what your church is teaching? Probably all of us have been there at some point in our lives.

There are so many interpretations and versions of the Bible. So many different denominations and churches and it seems all of them have a different doctrine or statement of faith. So, which do we believe? Which is the actual Word of God? It is hard to know.

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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I'm SO Confused! What Are You Talking About?

When we were doing Hot Bible Talk With The Evangelist and The Beard with our Brother Brian Penrod, he would often raise the issue of #context. If we do not look at the Bible in context, of itself, of the history and culture of the people it was written to, and the leading Holy Spirit, we will never be able to understand the Word of God. We will always be confused. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Join the Conversation. Let’s discuss how we can move from confusion to understanding. See that we do not have to rely on idea put forth by Men, and that is all these Statements of Doctrine and Statements of Faith are, to understand the Bible ourselves. Let’s look at why it is important to use a translation of the Bible we can actually understand in a language we regularly use, not one that has been gone for more than 500 years or that tries to closely mimic such a language.

Contact James Carter for how to support our Outreach Missions Work.

Conversations With The Evangelist will look in depth at this subject. Come join us and see that while it is natural to be confused about what the Bible says and means, there are ways to overcome that and reach a level of understanding.

Thank you to @TamaraChaos for scripting, voicing, and producing our commercial for the new A Voice Crying In The Desert Tumblers, included at about the ten minute mark. Please contact us and buy yours today. Help us grow our Outreach.

#Onlinesermon, #Missions, #missionaries, #spreadHisLove, #faithjourney, #dazedandconfused, #confusion, #translations, #paraphrases, #misinformation, #kingjamesbible, #NIV, #EnglishStandardVersion, #study, #understanding

Please share and invite others to come join the Conversation. Please pray about joining A Voice Crying In The Desert as we Walk Into The Unknown, set off on a Faith Journey not knowing how we can possibly succeed or where the final destination lies.

Please join us in praying for and support this Outreach as we enter the next phase of what God has called us to. Traveling as He leads to do in-person Outreach and share His Love with those who need it the most. To do this, we need regular support and for churches across the country to come alongside as missions partners.

Let’s be friends. Please subscribe and follow us across Social Media.

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A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill our vision with a financial donation, you can send it to James Carter through VENMO: James-Carter-1054 or CashApp: $jjcarter7136. Or contact James Carter for information on how to mail a donation to us.

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