If we remain in Messiah He will remain in us.

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As we remain in Him we will be very productive for His kingdom. Messiah is the Grapevine that believers are grafted into. Abiding in the Grapevine produces fruit. If we do not abide in Him, we will be fruitless.

What did Messiah mean when He told His disciples, and us by extension, I am the living Elohim, the Grapevine. You are the branches? We have to look deep into the context of this passage to really understand eternal fruit-bearing.

Each branch that continues to remain in the Grapevine will produce much fruit. This fruit could be in the form of new believers, or in the form of walking in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, as seen in Galatians 5:22, or a mixture of both.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit, when it is manifested in our lives, should attract failing believers and unbelievers to Yeshua the Messiah by how we live our lives, especially those who are grafted into Yahweh’s Grapevine.

Yeshua’s emphasis in John 15:5 was not to dwell on our glaring inadequacies, but to remind us of the incomparable sufficiency that comes from our relationship with Him. Apart from Yeshua we can produce nothing of eternal value.

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