Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) on censorship

4 months ago

"On November 1st, 2023, I submitted this report on censorship to the US Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. This report is anchored with over 400 Live Link references. It describes how officials at the highest levels of the Department of Health and Justice and Homeland Security, and even 17 members of the US House of Representatives, asked Information Center, they worked with political operatives and corporate legacy and social media to silence my voice and other voices for talking online about vaccine reactions and the fact that people who get vaccinated can still get infected and transmit infection, which is true for the mRNA COVID vaccines, but it's also true for many of the 72 doses of 17 vaccines that the CDC now tells doctors to give to children starting on the first day of birth."

"And I believe because our organization, which really launched the Vaccine Safety and Informed Consent Movement in America in 1982, we lobbied for 14 years to get a less toxic, acellular pertussis vaccine in here, to replace wholesale pertussis vaccine in 1996. And we lobbied to get the live polling vaccine that can cause vaccine strain polio paralysis replaced by an inactivated vaccine that does not. And we have gone into the state legislatures and we worked through our portal to educate the states on protecting the flexible medical religious and conscience belief exemptions which are integral to the true exercise of informed consent."

"And I think because of that we have been ostracized. We our voice has been silenced. We were thrown off of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter in the space of seven months in 2021. That was a censorship campaign that was condoned by the highest levels of government. And you know I never imagined when I began this work in 1982 that the day would come when I would not be able to exercise freedom of thought and conscience in the country I love. And I thank you for allowing me to exercise that right today."

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