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Chemtrails and toxic

3 months ago

Chemtrails and toxic aerosols Toxic chemicals - aluminum, barium, strontium - are sprayed daily. These are not harmless contrails, but weapons designed to poison our air, water and soil. New formulas now also contain dangerous nanoparticles that enter the bloodstream, alter DNA and cause neurological damage. This is biological warfare on a global scale.

Control through weather manipulation The agenda is not just about spraying. It's about complete control of the weather. Hurricanes, forest fires, earthquakes - they have been artificially induced to create chaos and destabilize countries. Recently leaked documents confirm that energy weapons (DEWs) used to control storms and trigger disasters are behind the fires in Canada in 2024 and the earthquake in Turkey. These are not natural events.

The HAARP system - another tool in this arsenal - alters the weather worldwide and deliberately causes droughts, famines and floods. Their goal is total control of the environment, destroying crops, weakening populations and forcing governments into dependency.

Nanotechnology and EMF manipulation The elites have upped their game. In 2024, whistleblowers revealed that "Smart Dust" - activated by 5G chemtrails .


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