The CCP Uses ‘Honeypots’ to Compromise U.S. State Leaders

2 months ago

10/30/2024 Michael Mccaul, Chairman Emeritus of House Homeland GOP: The CCP has long exploited the U.S. visa process to send women to seduce American officials. However, since the 1990s, the CCP has changed its approach; they no longer directly target federal officials but instead focus on state-level leaders who have the opportunity to rise to positions in Washington.
#CCP #honeypots #USVisa #Espionage
10/30/2024 众议院国土安全委员会荣誉主席迈克·麦考尔:中共一直利用美国的签证程序,派女性来诱惑美国的官员,但中共从90年代开始就改变了行动模式,他们不再直接针对联邦官员,而是瞄准那些有机会晋升至华盛顿的州级领导人。
#中共 #蜜罐行动 #美国签证 #间谍活动

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