i have to fight the urge to isolate like there's no tmrw

1 month ago

make sumin otherwise you have a shitty opinion
it's all vapor these days
i love my life even tho it's hard sometimes
i love this gift whatever the fuck it is
dissing order all my life
anything inconvenient presents difficulty for a reason, try to figure that out instead of complaining about it
i'd like to think that understanding things is the point of it all but that understanding has to come w/ time
maybe i'm wrong always
i promise i washed my harr today
psychiatrists dunno you, that's YOUR job
if everybody has sumin then nobody has it (unless of course there is this mass homogenization of mental illness which is entirely plausible actually)
you dunno how to deal w/ stuff that you feel
nobody snuggly fits into a diagnosis
we're not very good at doing what people tell us to do
i wanted to see the shrink in the first place but he didn't help me so upon the discovery of alcohol n drugs i bounced
the adhd medication actually does what they say it does, that doesn't make it any good tho
i was shocked that this joke actually worked
the material world is the exact opposite of the natural world
all of our products are designed to poison us
everyone knows at least 20 people on meds
yer annoying fambly members NEED medication
sad truth: psych wards are for people that you don't want around anyway
easier to throw away what they either don't understand or don't like
narcissists don't wanna be patient n understanding cos pointing n screaming makes more sense in regards to ego
the validation is in the problem not the solution
psychosis is sumin that we understand well but we haven't been overtaken, at least not completely
i definitely don't talk in a linear fashion
it really is an experience
social media in a way is a dual reality
i am totally aware of how most of the outside world views my belief system
i reject your society n i plan on being ostracized
it is also why we are spiritual
we are always conflicted about sumin
women are supposed to provide for the world
since i'm not doing it w/ my uterus i must do it w/ my brain n heart
driving behind slow ass cars tonight
wearing a fancy dress for that show
i didn't use my turmeric as a prop, i totally forgot it!
i just hate having friends sometimes
two options *i don't talk about this tonight
i would choose death over a romantic partner, death IS a romantic partner nagging me like a bitch
the man in my head tells me not to die so i guess i had better listen to him
we are never ever early, that's weird
we're jealous of that guy who just ran a red light
no police in the city waiting around to bust traffic violations
i hate those damn sirens w/ a passion
EMTs are fat now, they come to sns all the time
there really should be sumin done about obesity
those that are trained to help the public should not be fat
reasons not obvious to a candyass
candyassery has usurped human existence
nobody can handle criticism so that's why i'm so unpopular
people shouldn't normalize a total disregard for health
yes we are in the projects
this is a society that is obsessed w/ self-destructing
not a surprise that those that intend to self-destruct don't wanna be criticized for this decision at all
we have to call this comic friend in order to access the free parking lot
ag will never be smart phone savvy
i can still get on the list cos i know the bouncer
ag calls mike post
fuckin tourists, did yawl know this is nashville?

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