Statutes Do Not Apply To You.

3 months ago

Rules, codes, not pertain to living men and women under the common law.

What is LEGISLATED is for corporations and LEGAL ENTITIES, which you are not, technically...

But not knowing this information, you are unknowingly consenting to be governed and waiving your rights.

Ask yourself, from where does one man derive authority over another?

You ought to be asking yourself that every day and within every interaction you have with so called government agencies.

People have gone ballistic when they learn I do not participate in the state commercial driver's license.

Am I a better and more responsible driver because I've paid the state and get their little plastic PERSON OF entity that I consented to?

I do not operate a motor vehicle in commerce, therefore I have not waived my right to travel. (so says the SCOTUS)

I have not donated my beautiful Jeep to the state to own it and tax me.

Why would I? 🤣

Why would I work hard for my Federal Reserve Debt notes that lose value every day, so that I can purchase an automobile, and then donate it to the private for profit corporation of the state....

So that I willingly consent to them taxing me on a private purchase.....

So that they can tax me yearly on it....

So that they give me USUARY of my automobile...

So that I consented to be governed by their policy revenue officers interpretation of the rules of the Department of Transportation who set me up to extort my money to donate to them....

If God forbid, I am one mile over their unlawfully imposed speed limit, or my tires don't come to a full and complete stop, or I speak on the phone, or turn right on red.....

All things I can assess as a competent adult with 43 years of experience driving an automobile....

So that I can be governed by an administrative court clerk.....

(Are you getting it yet, cuz I'm laughing as I type this.)

So that the clerk of a private for profit corporation that is administrative only, is a criminal enterprise that imposes actions that are REPUGNANT to the Constitution...

So that they violate the rights of the public every day in every city and town across the land of the free Republic.

So that the fake government private for profit agencies presume jurisdiction over me for the simple fact that I WILLINGLY AND WITH FULL PARTICIPATION walked into the state DMV and signed the contract to obtain an ID which made me THE PERSON OF so that their codes apply to me.

Is it sinking in yet?

If this cop who berated Scott over Scott not giving him a license, who has a private plate on his truck, who, according to the cop, Scott didn't come to a complete stop....

Why did he let Scott go?

Because he isn't in the contract that waived his rights and liberties.

The license is the key to your demise when it comes to dealing with the fake government that pretends it has the authority to rule over you.

See the Clearfield Doctrine.
Do some homework.

Follow me to freedom!

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