Trump not a Christian, Protestant or Catholic ? but why the deception ? why pretend ?

4 months ago

(also on Bicthute ) Trump servant of Baal, & the Gate & Arch of Baal, Abortion, Sacrifice & Genocide in the US Uniparty

TRUMP'S NEW AGE DOCTOR NETWORK / Hugo Talks (the crispr cas 9 edit is not reversible )

Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism

30 Million excess deaths, 1.5 Billion injured Globally via the experimental Gene therapy Trump shot

There are Christians who invent salvation testimonies for money ? others who believe that salvation is in the church building or the pastor or the seat they sit upon in the church for 20 years will save them . Others believe that believing without receiving is fine for full salvation denying all 3 parts of the Godhead in salvation (father son and holy spirit). There are others who have not experienced salvation and do not even know what it means...and in churches ? ..... its not supposed to be an industry and there are those who preach the prosperity gospel with money as the god and not God as God, and god works directly upon and to people individually and begins salvation and finishes it. Now we have the political party grift mockingbird media christian sect ?

God works with individuals first in salvation directly to form eventually an ecclesia or congregation of called out believers not a church hierarchy (church or kirk derives from Circe a Greek Goddess, a congregation is not quite the same as a republic as of course God is king, but those with responsibility in the congregation are servants (not over but servants) and God today can bypass them in beginning salvation but in baptism and laying on of hands the congregation help complete the work of a new birth which is the main point of the process of salvation not academic church and its bureaucracy and deadness which pulls people into a hierarchy. A Nazarene was set aside for a purpose separate from the prophets and for reasons only known to god )

Whether it is the OT or NT the father as i am and the spirit of God (Ruach or wind or spirit ) are mentioned and Joshua in the OT or Jesus Iésous Joshua Yehoshua means salvation so we can determine that the "being" is .... I am he who breathes (Genesis 2,7 and John 3,5 and Matthew 3,11 ) salvation.... which requires not just believing as even the demons believe (James 2:19)but by believing through the blood and then RECEIVING from the spirit which is visible proof of being sealed by the blood...believe and receive by all 3 powers of the Godhead as one God with 3 natures, not 3 gods with a joint agreement to rule or to be in unison

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