Weaponized Insects and Biological Warfare - with A.W. Finnegan

2 months ago

“They'll also find ways so that they can present data one way, even though they're using all of these clever manipulation tactics to do something different, but presenting to you as though it's safe”

Hawai'i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with author A.W. Finnegan about the history of biowarfare and the use of insects as bioweapons. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai'i; Nazi germ warfare scientist and virologist Erich Traub; the science of immune tolerance; Operation Paperclip; Plum Island; biological weapons research hidden under the cloak of benign research; biosecurity concerns; spies and saboteurs in the science, medical, and academic fields; hidden channels for large-scale bioterrorism; Project Starbright and birds of the Hawaiian Islands used for bioweapons research; animals and insects used for disease enhancement through serial passaging; bacteria in biowarfare; special interests funding science; and data manipulation through fraudulent studies.

A.W. Finnegan is a researcher and writer affected by Lyme disease and immune tolerance. An avid reader who embarked on years of rigorous investigation through Freedom of Information Act requests, declassified documents, and scientific and medical journals, Finnegan authored the 2023 book, The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare. Venturing into the shadowy corridors of history and science, this book unravels truths many hoped would remain buried forever. The Sleeper Agent provides an unparalleled exploration of the hidden history of biological warfare, sourcing from official records, published science, and the testimonies of former intelligence officers.

A.W. Finnegan:

Hawai‘i Unites is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of our environment and natural resources. We’ve taken state agencies to court to stop the release of bacteria-infected mosquitoes on Maui, ground zero for this dangerous biotech experiment. Our case can set a precedent to strengthen environmental laws for all islands and impact the course of this agenda worldwide. Your tax-deductible donations support the work that we’re doing to protect the ‘āina and help us continue to move our active court case forward.



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