4 months ago

The first Q drop and 777.
Panda suit and biting kids. It appears the fake Biden’s are trying to bring up pizza gate again. It’s much more that a stupid mistake.
A news clip of a real reporter on with 2 clown. I found it Rea funny. He gets up and leaves. After giving them a lesson.
Yes the voter fraud is completely rampant. It’s being shared everywhere. More than last time.
If you hate Alex Jones. Just kindly ignore that clip. Don’t get defensive. 😁 it’s all just information. No matter if it comes from Charlie Ward, Alex Jones, Phil Godluski or the main stream news. I take information I feel is relevant. From everywhere I find it. Even information from your enemy May be beneficial. (Personally I don’t like or dislike Alex.)
I found the Q drop info quite interesting. And the Biden’s show seems quite relevant. You decide.

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