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Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 1, 2024 – BRACE YOURSELF for the BIG STEAL

3 months ago


  • 0/2000
  • MOSSAD is trying to un-cheat the election?!? Mike, WTF!? Mossad is playing both sides for the coming war to eliminate more White Christians. Dude, how did you miss this? You are literally afraid to put blame on them. You are calling them out for genocide and that great! However, you can only see what is in front of you. If they are literally God's enemy, they do not give a flying f>>> who wins. THEY WANT THE BLOODSHED to genocide White Europeans. Wake the fuck up already. You are sounding like Alex Jones and trying to be a final GATEKEEPER!

  • Mike, in relation to Sermon# 094 on the Church of Natural Abundance, I would like to express an opinion. Whilst I agree with 99% of what you said in relation to preventing demon manifestation and demonic possession, I do not 'necessarily' agree that "you will be OK if you follow the things you discussed". Historically speaking, we have seen possession take place even in innocent children and good people. Whilst going to church, receiving communion, prayer, repenting and living by he gospel help immensely they are not of themselves and in all cases a cloak or shield against demon manifestatiion or possession, in all cases. I would like to refer you to Fr. Vince Lampert's work on You Tube. He discusses demon manifestation, possession and HELP prevent it. Thank you.

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  • Mike why do you not engage your audience int he comments section on what is a small podcast? It doesn't seem befitting of your nature. I also emiled you many times at your address given with mostly positive feedback and never heard back from you once. Why not?

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