Rude Awakening When Bill O'Reilly Fact Checks Mark Cuban to His Face

4 months ago

Mark Cuban Gets Met With Rude Awakening When Bill O'Reilly Fact Checks Him to His Face | CUBAN: “Trump inflation was up 25% over the Obama economy he inherited... He had four years to make tariffs work with China. China kicked his ass.”

O'REILLY: “I got to jump in with course corrections here. Number one, the real wages, which is really the only economic barometer for the folks, was up 8.2% in the four years Trump was president. 8.2% across the board for working Americans. Fact. Under Biden-Harris, it is around 1%. No COVID pandemic. They have failed.”

“Number two, inflation didn’t start because Putin and the Arabs did anything. Inflation started [because] Biden signed in his first week in office at least 20 executive orders making it harder for every fuel company to harvest their product.”

See also
Dana White & Mark Cuban debate Kamala Harris' competency

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