Maharishikaa | Benevolent v/s greedy capital. Capitalism in India!

16 days ago

Maharishikaa speaks to Purushartha Saini's concern about the rise of capitalism in India, and what he, as an Indian spiritual seeker can do to prevent the encroachment of greedy capital which could imitate the destruction and despair that Europe, America, and now China experience.

In this pointed answer, Maharishikaa describes how greedy capital systematically overtakes societies starting by creating systems that manipulate individuals into growing their desires and then fulfilling them. As the individual’s focus turns from the common good of the joint or extended family onto the fulfilling of desires, the breakdown of the joint family into the nuclear family begins. The focus on the fulfilling of desires grows even further, causing the individual to consume even more, leading to the breakdown of the nuclear family and then of the individual themselves. By creating these societal graveyards - where joint family, nuclear family and finally the individual are buried - greedy capital destroys a society from inside out. Maharishikaa brings the examples of Europe, America and now China while speaking to the means by which Sanatani society can encourage benevolent capital, protect itself from greedy capital, and thus protect itself from disintegration and destruction.

#Maharishikaa #GreedyCapital #CapitalismInIndia

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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