241023 Acts 5 - 9

4 months ago

Pastor Walter Rasmussen continues covering the book of Acts: chapters 5 through 8.
God cannot be deceived by humans, God sees the heart that conceives a thing. When people try to be deceptive with God they impede the blessing they desire to receive. The early apostles told the temple leaders “We ought to obey God rather than men..." We may have an opportunity to make that same confession. As time passes, we might find ourselves in the position of Stephen. When he pointed out their rebellious heritage, they stoned him. And He asked God "not to charge them with this sin." The conversion of Saul is a testament to the fact that none are so "bad" that, if they ask, God will not forgive them. This is our testimony message that we can deliver to others - there IS hope.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gYVbK4kP2A Iran's Jesus Revolution? Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3NjGqkB-6Q [EN] Muslim Dream of Jesus


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