
4 months ago

Prussia was not officially involved in the First World War, the German Empire of 1871 has been dormant since the armistice of November 11, 1918.
Everything that happened afterwards through the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich is none of the Germans' business.
These were private companies in maritime law, everything they created in terms of treaties, laws etc... is null and void, only valid on the high seas.
Germany, the company on the high seas, without a national territory, without a national people, without a constitution, without sovereign rights and powers, is an American protectorate.
As long as the Germans identify with a company called Germany, we have been dealt the ass.
The masses pretend to be something that does not exist.
That's why we are besieged by these private US companies with their German employees, because they stubbornly believe that Germany is a state and they are state officials.
There is no cure for stupidity; unfortunately, the only thing that helps is a harsh crackdown.

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