Significant Increase in Cancers after the Covid Vaccine Rollout

4 months ago

10/29/2024 Dr. James Royle, UK Cancer Surgeon: There is a clear dramatic increase in cancers shortly after the covid vaccine rollout in 2021. And the cancers we are seeing are extremely aggressive and are of a different biology. Many metastases in these cases are unusual or atypical.
#cancer #turbocancer #excessmortality #covidvaccine #bioweapon
10/29/2024 英国癌症外科医生詹姆斯·罗伊尔博士:在2021年新冠疫苗推出后不久,癌症出现了明显的急剧增长。我们正看到的癌症极具侵袭性,并且具有不同的生物学特征。这些病例中的许多转移是不寻常或非典型的。
#癌症 #涡轮癌 #超额死亡率 #新冠疫苗 #生物武器

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