PRESIDENT TRUMP- The Garbage Truck Story- GREEN BAY WI 10 30 2024

4 months ago

President Trump has Told some EPIC Stories at the many Campaign Stops on his Journey to the 47th President of the United States of America. Green Bay WI was no different but here is the way He tells of how this happened! The Big Beautiful Brand New Garbage Truck the Press "fake news" reported and his entry into the Venue "in Costume". And the crowd went WILD. Short clip with a couple other topics but really this was one for the record books! Trump knows this is the LAST WEEK of a LONG JOURNEY and we must defeat these "monsters" once and forever! Then, we can turn our eyes to the FUTURE. Because many are not here to enjoy this with us. PRAY.
YES, We are going to DUMP THE GARBAGE out.. like Biden, Harris, Walz and all the Dem Senators and House Reps that have tried to destroy our Children's Future! And our Peace of mind. Let us pray.

Juans Prayer with NINO on 3 11 2021
Father God in heaven we look to you for your guidance.. for your Protection.. in this moment of turmoil. I pray for each person out there who may be in fear, who doesn't understand the workings going on here. Within this clockwork .. those who don't see your hand, your protective hand, in the events here.. in this world -pray -that you would reveal yourself.. acting strong in the affairs of men as the arbiter, the decider, of who reigns, who has power on this Earth. And that YOU would protect your people.
For those that showed up directly and by proxy here in Washington D.C. on January 6th to be counted. And those who set the soles of their feet on the ground to claim this land back for your people. We know that you're present, and that you hear OUR prayers. Prayers change things... big doors turn on tiny hinges… we look to you in this hinge moment for your action, your decisive action, to save America from the monsters that would drive us into hell. And please put us back on the right course. By restoring people to some sense of normalcy, some reality of normalcy and help us to mend our nation and then to go out into the world. Not to be our brother's keeper but to be our brother's brother. And throughout the world to be YOUR representative into the world. We ask in Jesus name.

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